Local McTimoney Animal Association (MAA) Practitioner presents research at the International Conference.
McTimoney animal practitioners, Eulalia Speaight, from Buckfastleigh, presented her research at the International Society for Equitation Science Conference last month in France. Eulalia conducted a study on the effects of head and neck position during feeding on the alignment of the cervical vertebrae in horses.
“I chose the topic of study due to my interest in how domestication and modern equine management influences the horse in terms of behavioural and physical wellbeing,” explained Eulalia. “Knowledge has increased in dentition, spinal health, and biomechanics but nothing had been done on the effects of everyday care. There’s lots on health and success of racehorses and event horses but I wanted a study every owner could take something from.”
Conducting the research has also helped Eulalia in her work as a MAA practitioner. “It’s given me an extra tool following treatment, particularly in horses with poll, shoulder and lumbar tension,” said Eulalia. “I know that by recommending floor feeding for the first few days’ after treatment it can give the body support and allow the muscle to release for optimum function.”
The McTimoney Animal Association has a keen interest in the promotion of the light, gentle and effective treatment used by its registered practitioners. In view of the ever increasing demand for research and study into animal chiropractic techniques, members of the MAA are encouraged to present their research at established conferences around the world. The International Society for Equitation Science Conference was held in France from 23-25th June. The conference serves as a platform for the latest scientific results in the training and welfare of horses are presented.
Eulalia is a very experienced McTimoney Animal Practitioner and works in the South Devon and East CornwalL region. All McTimoney Animal Practitioners have completed an undergraduate degree in a science and a three-year post-graduate training course at the McTimoney College in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. All practitioners have demonstrated a high level of competency to pass the stringent exams required. McTimoney Animal Practitioners are registered with the McTimoney Animal Association.