Investigation into the effects of McTimoney chiropractic treatment, Static Magnetic therapy and a combined treatment intervention on the Mechanical Nociceptive Threshold values in Thoroughbred Racehorses.

Oral presentation at Alltech Hartpury Equine conference, May 2018.
Poster presentation at Equine Performance Conference, Bishop Burton, July 2018


  • Support evidence of a positive effect of McTimoney Chiropractic and with the use of Magnetic rug(1000gauss) on the horses’ back muscle sensitivity to pain (increased MNTs) compared to no treatment intervention for 14 days
  • Further research is required on the differences between the treatments on muscle tonicity effects and performance parameters and horses with back pain.

Vorster, N., Hedderly, S., Charlton, S., Hunnisett, A. (2018)


