Free webinar: Injuries, disease & compensations in horses & dogs

09/03/2022 by in CPD, dog, events, horse, webinar

Free Webinar: Injuries, disease & compensations in horses & dogs-why use McT ?

Injuries and disease are fairly common in our equine and canine friends resulting in expensive vet bills and long-term care. Understanding how animals compensate for these conditions allows us to devise the most effective ongoing programme of care for our horses and dogs.

McTimoney treatment focusses on achieving symmetry, alleviating compensatory movement patterns and thereby improving athletic performance.

This webinar brings you the latest research and case studies on how to review animals with compensatory and habitual movement patterns to enable the best quality of ongoing care.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Presented by McTimoney Animal Association members and research staff from the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Dr Emma Punt and Vanessa Davidson

This event will count towards 1 hour of CPD

Based in Somerset, Vanessa Davidson is an active McTimoney Animal Practitioner, maintaining a small client base treating primarily horses and dogs. Vanessa has also taught, managed and written educational programmes over the past 20 years. Vanessa enjoys being involved in the education of practitioners, and being able to advocate the importance of maintaining and improving standards in education to ensure the highest quality of work once qualified. Vanessa is also involved in the McTimoney Animal Association with whom practitioners register with upon graduation. Vanessa says: “I am passionate about opportunities for lifelong learning and am dedicated to furthering the presentation of evidence based research to promote the benefits of the McTimoney technique. I love combining my passion for treating animals with teaching the technique to others”.

Dr Emma Punt has over 15 years experience as a McTimoney therapist specialising in Equine and Canine therapy and rehabilitation. With a first degree and PhD plus post-doctoral research experience from The University of Birmingham Emma is now one of the College’s Senior Tutors examiners and research supervisors. Emma has also worked with Jaguar Land Rover helping to develop a new safer towing technology and is the Research Lead for BARTA (British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association) pioneering research with Nottingham Trent University into equine transportation. In addition Emma has worked in Europe treating horses, running performance clinics and supporting research projects.

Click here to register for the webinar.

