Case Studies » All

The Case Studies presented here are provided by McTimoney member practitioners, and demonstrate real patients with varying conditions, all of whom have received McTimoney treatment.

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Rolo the sausage dog with loss of hindlimb movement!

18/12/2023 by in Case Studies, All, Dog, Dog, News

Rolo is a 5yo miniature dachshund dog who first started seeing McTimoney Animal Chiropractor Naomi Collis when he was 3 year old, after starting to have episodes of muscle spasm causing him to freeze and not move for short periods…


Twizzle – What a recovery!

11/12/2023 by in Case Studies, All, Dog, Dog, News

Twizzle is a 10 year old male Maltese x Bichon Frise dog who presented to McTimoney Animal Chiropractor Jay Hrycak with an intermittent lameness on the front left leg. Twizzle was struggling to get onto the sofa, the bed and…

Crumble the Alpaca with a stiff leg!

Crumble is a 4yo male alpaca who was registered as female when he was born and went with his mum into a female herd. This was due to the fact that he has an undescended testicle and he tends to…

Vernon the most unusual cat…

McTimoney animal chiropractic care is often seen as a treatment for horses and dogs, however it can be an effective treatment for other animals including cats. Chiropractic care can be used to support young, aging and cats with underlying health…

Reggie the wobbly dog

20/11/2023 by in Case Studies, All, Dog, News

Reggie is a 6 year old male Doberman owned by Jess Woodrow and is a client of Claire Lawrence, a McTimoney Animal Chiropractor. Initially Reggie was seen for maintenance treatments every three months as he was competing at agility. It…

Jeff the Bearded Dragon

Jeff is a Bearded Dragon who is owned by the animal centre at Cirencester College after rehoming him a few years ago. Bearded Dragons are native to Australia and are large semi-arboreal lizards that are not nocturnal. Combined with being…

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