Are you helping or hindering your horse? Webinar

04/01/2021 by in CPD, events, horse, webinar

The Next in the Series of McTimoney College of Chiropractic Webinars focused on the use of McTimoney animal treatment – Thursday 14th January 7pm.

Are you experiencing more difficulty working your horse on one rein compared with the other?

Ever wondered if it is you or your horse who is stiff?

Research shows that there is a positive relationship between pelvic asymmetry in horse and rider combinations, (Browne, Hedderly, Charlton and Cunliffe, 2014)

The McTimoney approach to treatment focusses on achieving symmetry and thereby improving equine athletic performance.

This free to attend Zoom Webinar brings you the latest research on horse-rider interaction plus help and advice on how you can improve together…

Our speakers include Dr Emma Punt and Nikki Routledge, who are experienced McTimoney Animal Practitioners who teach at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic. Nikki is also part of the executive of the McTimoney Animal Association.

The event will also qualify as 1-hour of CPD.

Speaker biographies: Nikki Routledge MSc MMAA, is a qualified McTimoney Animal Practitioner who has been treating competitive and pet horses and dogs in South West England for over 18 years. Nikki also enjoys teaching students at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, being able to pass on the knowledge and skills which have given her such a varied and interesting career working with so many animals and their owners, to a new generation of animal chiropractic practitioners. Nikki says “Every day is different and every animal I see is an individual, and that makes my work rewarding…. I hope to continue working and teaching for many years to come”.

Dr Emma Punt has over 15 years experience as a McTimoney therapist specialising in Equine and Canine therapy and rehabilitation. With a first degree and PhD plus post-doctoral research experience from The University of Birmingham Emma is now one of the College’s Senior Tutors examiners and research supervisors. Emma has also worked with Jaguar Land Rover helping to develop a new safer towing technology and is the Research Lead for BARTA (British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association) pioneering research with Nottingham Trent University into equine transportation. In addition Emma has worked in Europe treating horses, running performance clinics and supporting research projects.

Date And Time:

Thu, 14 January 2021

19:00 – 20:30 GMT

To register for this event click here.
