Animal Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Conference.

10/04/2024 by in conference, CPD, events

McTimoney College, Wednesday 17th April 2024.

Sponsored by Agria Pet Insurance

There is growing excitement for the first Animal Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Conference to be held at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic on Wednesday 17th April and co-organised by the McTimoney Animal Association.

Conference sponsors Agria Pet Insurance will be giving a talk on their products and services and Keynote Speakers Professor Christina Cunliffe and Sally Charlton MSc will be reviewing the latest animal chiropractic research before the oral presentations begin with equine chiropractic care in the morning and canine chiropractic care in the afternoon.

We are delighted to announce that Lunch Sponsors Equigate are giving a short talk on their Total Practice Management Tool with the opportunity to visit their stand for further information during breaks and lunchtime.

There will be a selection of trade stands attending with giveaway goodies, including Animal Therapy Magazine whose latest publication will be included in delegates’ welcome packs. Plus, a free bottle of Leucillin Antiseptic Skincare will be available to all delegates when they visit their trade stand.

Dantre Health Products are also joining us with their range of Photizo Light Therapy and there is also an exclusive free trial and further discounted subscription from Equicantis.

Research topics to be covered include:

  • The key equine movement parameters for assessment,
  • the effects of rider weight on joint ROMS of ID horses and muscle tension in Exmoor ponies,
  • effect of skeletal asymmetry on SJ performance,
  • efficacy of chiropractic and fascial release treatments on muscle tension and
  • features of the relationship between practitioners and clients.

Focussing on equine research in the morning, the afternoon session moves to canine research and includes:

  • the relationship between canine joint ROM and elbow and hip scores in a working breed,
  • laterality differences of joint flexion and extension in huskies,
  • effect of skeletal asymmetry on weight distribution,
  • effect of flyball training on joint ROM and weight distribution and
  • muscle soreness responses in dogs wearing harnesses.

Delegates are also invited to try out the latest cutting-edge state-of-the-art technology in the Anatomage digital dissection table, guided by one of our senior teaching faculty at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic.

With lunch provided and a ticket price of only £30 there are now only a few tickets left so book quickly to avoid disappointment.

To purchase your tickets visit: Eventbrite

For more information or further details, please contact

The McTimoney College of Chiropractic was founded over 50 years ago and is at the forefront of animal chiropractic care, with the only university-validated animal chiropractic qualification in Europe. With training bases in Abingdon, Manchester, Madrid and Hong Kong, the use of chiropractic care in humans and animals has never been more popular with demand for new graduates at an all-time high. For more information go to

The McTimoney Animal Association is the professional association for all practicing McTimoney Animal Chiropractors who adhere to a professional code of conduct and are fully qualified and insured. For more information go to

Since 2022, Agria’s award-winning lifetime pet insurance product range has expanded to offer the UK’s only lifetime equine insurance policy. By covering ongoing illnesses and conditions for life, policies with Agria provide consistency of care for animals and peace of mind for owners – from pets to working horses and dogs, at every level. More information can be found at

McTimoney is a form of chiropractic manipulation used to treat pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. It predominantly focuses on optimising the alignment of the spine and pelvis to restore the correct function of the skeletal system, nervous system, and surrounding soft tissue. The technique is non-invasive and gentle and is readily accepted by animals. The treatment aims to resolve dysfunction and balance the animal’s musculoskeletal system, restoring health and movement, soundness, and performance.
